Disruption way

Disrupting the status quo

Smartcube Solutions was born from a combination of desire and necessity.

Industrial supply chains have been using the same inefficient, error-ridden and costly tools for over 30 years. Spreadsheets, email, manual input, low quality data and lacklustre compliance are sources of millions of man hours wasted, billions in useless overstock and  massive, unnecessary carbon footprints every single year.

It's not sustainable in any way.
Neither for the planet or the industry players involved. 

It's the same tools and the same errors everywhere. Across the globe, across industry segments, across companies and entities and across generations. It has to change. A proper digital transformation is long overdue.

It all comes down to quality assurance and removal of bad data. We keep blogging about the topics; check it out

We started our mission in 2020, launching I-MAT™ - An online interaction- and collaboration platform to efficiate material management in a read new way, making sure that all project assets are accounted for, tracked and tabbed. It was a massive success from launch, saving our pilot client millions at the first click of a button. 

The natural next step was I-SPIR™ to eliminate the tiresome and inefficient need for spreadsheets to collect and process SPIR (Spare Parts Interchangeability Records)  information, or product information in-flow, focusing heavily on user experiences, ERP compliance and short lead times for custom turnkey deliveries.

The I-SPIR solution has now been chosen as the industry-wide SPIR collaboration tool for the Norwegian energy sector, with several players looking to expand its use.

In 2022 and 2023 we strengthened our core team and competencies, opened the door to opportunities for a number of new industry segments and have great plans to launch additional, SCM-centric SaaS solutions to enable complete digital transformation journeys.


The planet needs ideas like ours, and so do all asset heavy industries. It's going to be an exciting journey, and we've only just begun.

Half logo maze

Meet Team Smartcube

Ove Ryland

Co-founder / CEO


Per Ove Staalesen

Co-founder / CFO



Magnus Birkenes

Chief Marketing Officer



Jemea Lady Limunga

Software Development Lead


Dip Paul

Software Engineer



One tool to replace your SPIR spreadsheets